
Charity No. 1160437
The Tony Trust is committed to keeping all data given to us by our Patrons, Supporters, Applicants, and Trustees safe and in accordance with current regulations.
The Trust does not share this information with other companies, businesses or any other third party, for marketing or other business purposes.
We use the information you have given us to process grant applications, to keep in touch with you and our Patrons, Supporters and Trustees via our newsletters and social media, and to ensure that all the data we hold is up to date and correct.
We will hold data information for Patrons, Supporters and Trustees until the data becomes outdated or irrelevant; or they request it to be removed from The Tony Trust's data files. Applicants' data information will be held for the Charity’s records, unless they request it to be removed.
We may gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve our communications.
You can unsubscribe to general communications at any time by emailing our data protection officer at info@thetonytrust.org.
You are entitled to view, amend or delete personal information we hold at any time by emailing our data protection officer at info@thetonytrust.org.